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Showing posts from September, 2019

Honest Review: SIMPLE Hydrating Light Moisturizer

Hey there~ So recently, I have been searching for a few basic skincare products that are more pocket-friendly ( dah broke lettew~ ), and since the brand " SIMPL E " has always been known for being a safe-and-affordable option, I decided to give it a try. Here's a list of what I bought so far:- SIMPLE Moisturizing Facial Wash; SIMPLE Soothing Facial Toner; and SIMPLE Hydrating Light Moisturizer . However, today we are going to talk about item number 3 first. I will do another review soon on item 1 & item 2 above, and I will provide a link to the entry later. My Skin Type: Pre-pregnancy - combination skin. During pregnancy (current) - dry, sensitive skin with a little bit of redness. My Skin Tone: Pre-pregnancy - fair. During pregnancy (current) - fair, uneven, dark spots. Climate: I live in Malaysia, so it's hot, humid, and rainy throughout the year! PRICE & PACKAGING Source: Google The product itself